because behaving is boring

Tag Archives: parenting

I don’t know about you guys, but the last month has been non-stop back to school photos on my Facebook and Instagram timelines. I actually got to be a part of it this year, because my sweet baby boy started preschool!

first day

We had loads of fun shopping at Target for his school supplies. He felt like a ‘big kid’ picking out a backpack after he saw an older kid looking at them, too. “Mommy! I’m going to school like that kid!”

Ugh, slow down a bit. I can handle preschool, but I’m not ready to think about elementary school yet.

Check out my recent YouTube video for a look at what we picked out. Also, my hair is wild in this one.

How did your first day back go? Tell me all about it in the comments! Don’t forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel. I have lots of fun product reviews and a giveaway coming up soon!

My child loves to watch Grav3YardGirl‘s Does This Thing Really Work? videos on YouTube. When he’s feeling sleepy or in need of a cuddle, he’ll climb into my lap and ask, “Mommy, can we watch a Bunny video?”

It was one of these videos that introduced us to the idea of Candylicious edible bubbles. A whole five seconds into that video, he was telling me he wanted grape flavor.

It took me a while to find them, but I tracked the bubble machine down on Amazon and even found some refill kits.

I was skeptical, even after watching Bunny’s review…But this thing is actually pretty great! We spent an hour or so blowing cherry bubbles all over the back yard, and I managed to catch a few…they actually DO taste just like cherry! O’s strategy was to stick his face right in front of the machine, and he caught a lot of bubbles, but he didn’t like getting the bubble solution all over his face.

You get two packets of bubble solution with the machine (cherry and grape), and refills are available in packs of three flavors. The packet of cherry lasted a lot longer than I thought it would, and we even got a little more mileage out of it by pouring a little water in at the end.

I’m not sure if you’re supposed to do that. Maybe don’t be like me.


The machine takes 4 AA batteries and you’ll need a little screwdriver to get the back panel off. I picked up an eyeglass repair kit that’s super handy for these things.

I love this thing. As long as it holds up, I can see it providing hours of summer fun for my boy. In fact, I may not have to make a dessert for the rest of the summer. Dinner’s over? Go outside and play with your bubble machine!

Just don’t drink the bubble solution…I’m pretty sure it says specifically not to on the box.

You can order one of your own by clicking here. Or, just check out the different flavors and tell me which one you’d like to try!

**Disclosure: This is NOT a sponsored post. I purchased this machine and refill pack with my own money. All opinions are my own. This post contains affiliate links.**

Well guys, I guess it’s time to admit that I am once again out of the running for Mother of the Year. Yes, I know it’s a huge surprise, but I’ve just made too many mistakes to think anyone would nominate me.

Don’t believe me? I submit the following:

I allowed O to practically inhale an entire chocolate bunny on Easter morning. Sure, it was a smallish one, but chocolate for breakfast? That’s a mommy no-no for sure.

Exhibit A.

Exhibit A.

I have also given my child donuts, birthday cake, and cookies for breakfast. Not all the time, of course, but with enough frequency to make the Mother of the Year prize out of my reach. But come on, who doesn’t eat leftover birthday cake the day after their birthday?! Or the day after anyone’s birthday, if they send some cake home with you.

Exhibit B.  No, he didn't eat all of it...His was the chocolate piece.

Exhibit B.
No, he didn’t eat all of it…His was the chocolate piece.

And I guess, while we’re talking about food, my kid has had McDonald’s, Wendy’s, Burger King, and Arby’s. He really loves the chicken nuggets. And fries. Once again, only occasionally…But the fact that I have allowed him to consume MECHANICALLY SEPARATED CHICKEN GOO that has been deep-fried to oblivion probably booted me out of the running.

Exhibit C.  These are actually fish nuggets. Still fried, though.

Exhibit C.
These are actually fish nuggets. Still fried, though.

I also let him play with the sweeper, mostly in hopes that he will accidentally turn it on and scare the crap out of himself. I can’t help it, that’s damned hilarious.

I’ve forgotten to tell him he can get up when he’s in trouble (I refuse to call it time out), only to remember 20 minutes later.

I’ve lied and said we were out of a snack that he asked for because I really wanted to eat the last one.

I don’t let him flush the toilet eleventy billion times.

He really needed (his words) a blueberry breakfast bar but I wouldn’t let him have one because he didn’t eat his lunch.

And then…

This morning, he came in the bathroom when I was brushing my teeth. He wanted to brush his, so I picked up his toothbrush and started to put toothpaste on it.


He wanted to do it himself. In an attempt to avoid a tantrum, I held the toothpaste and brush out to him…But the damage had been done. He turned and ran to the living room, threw himself on a chair, and sobbed for five minutes over the injustice of it all.

“Am I the worst mommy on Earth, buddy?”

He sniffed, rubbed his eyes, and said, “Yes Mommy. I fink so.”

Suddenly, everyone I know is having babies. Seriously, I can think of at least four ladies due this summer, and probably another three due this winter. I was starting to worry that I’d never find unique gifts for all of them until I found My 1st Years.

My 1st Years is a fairly new company, founded in 2010 and located in the UK, that aims to provide unique baby gifts that don’t break the bank…And as a huge bonus, they personalize your gift for free.

The selection of gifts is impressive… I had so much trouble narrowing my first order down that it took me a few days to decide. When I finally did make my selection, I was surprised at how quickly the package arrived. Ten days from my order date from the UK? I’ll take it.

By the way, if you are ordering a gift, have it sent directly to the recipient. Every order comes in a beautiful complimentary gift box, and the package itself will have a big ol’ Royal Mail sticker on it. I don’t know about you, but it certainly made me feel pretty fancy!


Oh, just a package from my friend Kate…NBD


This company really knows how to package a gift.

My 1st Years was kind enough to provide me with one of their lovely products so I could do a review. I agonized over the decision, drove The BF nuts, and finally…finally, I chose the Gingham Blue Trim Robe in the biggest size offered (2-3 years).

Oh my goodness y’all, this is lovely. The robe is beautifully made, with his name embroidered on the front. It fits perfectly, and the boy absolutely loves wearing it.


It’s the hood that just really gets me, I think.


He loves to put it on right after his bath so he can lounge around before bed in comfort and style. On chilly mornings, he will go find his robe and strut around the house with it on. I happen to love the fact that the belt is actually attached to the robe, so I don’t have to worry about it getting lost.

I could not be more pleased with this product, and this company in general. I have a number of items bookmarked for future gifts, and I just know that my friends will love them.

Do yourself a favor and check them out… Not only do they offer lots of beautiful, keepsake-quality gifts for babies and young toddlers, but they have some great stuff for mom and dad, too.

**My 1st Years provided the pictured product at no cost to me, in exchange for an honest review of their site. All opinions and photographs are my own.**

I had tentative plans yesterday to meet up with a friend that was in town for a short time.

I knew she would be busy trying to see everyone, but she had some free time during the day. I let her know that I had to go to town, but that O would need to nap first. Then to illustrate my point, I sent a video of The Grouchy One in all his grouchy glory.

Of course he was not in the mood to cooperate, and it was getting later in the morning. I decided to run to the store regardless of his napless status, thinking his grumpiness might be hunger. We grabbed some lunch and ran our errands, then I headed home to put the groceries away before meeting up with my friend. I considered leaving the stuff in the car, but I didn’t want to take a chance that the milk would freeze and explode in my car. Yes, it’s already that cold in Indiana.

Don’t worry, next week it’s supposed to be above 50°. My sinuses hurt just thinking about it.


So of course O would decide that naptime needed to happen omgrightnow when we got home. I put him in his crib and sent my friend a message. She said her kid was napping, too, so no biggie.

I cleaned the house a bit and started working on dinner, and I was surprised to see how much tine had passed when my little stinker woke up at 5:30.

I thought, “I need to message friend and let her know that we won’t make it before 6.”

This is where my mom brain kicked in.

This morning, I opened messenger to send my mom a message. I noticed the previous day’s conversation with my friend and opened it…only to see that I had actually never sent the message after he woke up. I instantly felt like a huge asshole, because I had completely  left her hanging. I was also super pissed because I had really been looking forward to the visit.

I sent her a message and apologized, but I have felt like a humongous douche all day.

I wish I could say this is the first time it’s happened but…

At least once a day I think, “I’ll reply to that text in a second…”, then I put my phone down and completely forget. Sometimes for days.

I have been meaning to call my insurance company now for almost a month, but I never remember until the office is closed for the evening, or on the weekend.

I spent a good hour and a half working on a grocery list the other day. I went through the freezer, fridge, and pantry to determine what we had, then checked the recipes I wanted to try for the week and wrote down what I needed. Then I got to the store and realized the list was still on the kitchen counter.

You don’t even want to know how frequently I say, “That was today?!

I used to have a handle on stuff. In high school, I rarely wrote down assignments…I just remembered what I needed to do. I have an uncanny nack for picking up song lyrics. I can still recite the Greek alphabet after learning it in college, for crying out loud.

Yet, now that I’m a mom I can’t remember to put toilet paper on the grocery list (not that it matters, if it doesn’t make it to the store with me). I forget my point halfway through a story and end up feeling silly for bringing it up in the first place… And I would bet my life savings that there’s a load of clothes in the dryer that I’ve forgotten about.


Well lookie there!

What happened to me? Does this ever go away, or am I doomed to forever be feebly saying, “I’m sorry, I forgot”?

Please tell me I’m not alone in this.

My kid isn’t quite two yet and I already have artwork proudly displayed on my fridge. I was looking at it the other day, and I got to thinking about just how much art one kid can generate in a childhood.

Spoiler alert: It’s a lot.

I know this because my mom kept all of the artwork my brother and I made. Actually, I’m fairly certain she kept every piece of paper we brought home from school in our little backpacks. The entire collection of two kid’s elementary school careers is housed in a big walk-in closet on the second floor of my mom and dad’s house. While it’s a lot of fun to look at, the sheer volume of stuff makes it a little overwhelming and, quite frankly, I worry that it’s a fire hazard.

But what exactly does one do with a child’s artwork? It just feels kind of heartless to throw it out, especially when your sweet boy comes to you beaming with pride and hands you a paper covered with his scribbles (and, ok, maybe some snot). Of course, you tell yourself you’ll just keep a few…maybe you’ll just keep the “really good ones”. Or maybe you’re the rotation mom, hanging it on the fridge fully intending to toss it once you have a new masterpiece to take it’s place. But somehow, these scribbles never quite make it to the trash can do they?

Wouldn’t it be awesome if there was a way to…I don’t know…Digitally archive your kid’s work so you could throw out all of the paper with a clear conscience? And wouldn’t it be even better if you could end up with a way to display your child’s artwork without having to buy frames or poke holes in walls? I think you all know me well enough by now to understand that I actually have a solution for you.


Artkive provides an amazing service for people looking to better organize and store their kids’ artwork. With Artkive Concierge you just send them all of your child’s art and they professionally photograph it and turn it into a beautiful, keepsake book.
How easy is this?!
I happen to think these books would make wonderful Christmas gifts for grandparents. And how about sending your child’s art class masterpieces in at the end of each school year? You would have a book for every year, neatly displayed on a bookshelf.
This would also be a sweet end-of-year gift for a teacher. Collect artwork from all of the students in class and let ArtKive do the rest of the work. If I were a teacher, that would be the kind of gift I would treasure for years…And it would totally make me cry.
I know you’re thinking this sounds pretty amazing. If you want more information, or to place an order, visit ArtKive’s website by clicking here (you can also click on either of the above pictures).*
Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to try and figure out a way to send in sections of our walls…because that seems to be where O creates most of his artwork these days.
*Full disclosure: Artkive has offered me the opportunity to help them get the word out about their service. In return, they have offered me compensation for every order that is generated from my link.

If you are thinking that you might like to take the plunge into parenthood, I want you to sit down an really think about something.

How do you feel about poop? More specifically, someone else’s poop. In your hand.

Because that’s the kind of thing you get to deal with when you become a parent.
If you just said, “Oh Hell no.” in response…

Maybe just get a house plant for now.

I’ve noticed a new trend popping up all over my Facebook newsfeed lately…No, it isn’t some new nail art or a cute Pinterest craft. It’s something that, as a parent, actually kind of terrifies me.

It’s the good Samaritan.

Yes, I’m one hundred percent serious. In the past couple of weeks I’ve seen no less than three stories involving someone calling the police to report a parent. Now generally, these headlines of Parent Goes to Jail for blah blah blah are the kind that make you shake your head and feel better about your parenting tactics. I mean, you wouldn’t think of letting your kid run around in a days-old diaper while you go on a heroin binge (bender? What is the correct term?), so you can pat yourself on the back for being a better parent than that asshole.

But today, I was scrolling through Facebook during my brief moment of peace (also known as mommy quiet bathroom time) after having put O down for his nap, when I saw this:

Florida Mom Facing Felony Child Neglect After Letting 7-Year-Old Walk to the Park Alone

Um, what?

I thought, “Well, the park must be miles away… or maybe the kid had walked there and then told someone about living in deplorable conditions…” Upon reading the story, though, I realized that I was wrong. This poor mother simply allowed her child to walk to a park (about half a mile from their home) to play. According to the story, a stranger noticed the boy walking along and started asking questions. The boy got spooked (uh, as he should have been) and took off for the park. The stranger called to report the “neglect”. Next thing you know, a police officer picked the boy up at the park, then took him home and arrested his mother.

Arrested his mother.

Sweet baby Jesus, for letting her kid go to the park. And this isn’t the first time a “Good Samaritan” has nosed into someone else’s business and gotten them arrested. Recently, a Texas mom was arrested for letting her kids play outside. Another mom was arrested (and then fired from her job) when she allowed her child to play at a nearby park while she worked. 


Guys, out of every little thing that scares me about parenting, this is the thing that frightens me the most. I mean, yes…I’m raising a child that knows no fear, only moves in one speed (fast), and unfortunately seems to have inherited his father’s grace. O seems to think that catching himself with his face is the best strategy when he falls, and trust me, he falls a lot. Still, all of the emergency room trips we may end up making in the future are small potatoes when I think about the horrible impact one “well-meaning” jerkwad stranger could have on my family.

Ridiculous isn’t even the word.

Last week, my mom and I took O to lunch after having my phone looked at. He was playing with the crayons when he decided to start throwing them on the floor. While I picked them up, my mom patted him on the hand (mostly to get his attention) and told him not to throw the crayons. An older woman sitting near us apparently gave my mom the stink eye because clearly my child was being abused. Or maybe we just don’t believe in letting kids get away with being little turds in public? I don’t know.

Anyway, when I read stories like the ones above, I can’t help but shiver a little over that indecent. What if Ms. Incapable of Minding Her Own Business had gone outside and called the police? What if I was the one getting cuffed in front of my kid because she saw something she didn’t approve of? No thank you.

What with Facebook and reality tv, I can see why some people might think that the lives of others is everyone else’s business…But NO. Not even close. I vote we all start minding our own business unless someone is without a doubt in some kind of distress. For clarification: Kid playing on the swings at the playground? He’s probably ok. Kid yelling for help while running down the road? Well maybe you should get involved.

How do you feel about this recent trend? Share your thoughts in the comments!


The BF’S mom and I took O and his cousin to town this morning.


Shoe shopping for a toddler is super fun

After our errands were done, we stopped for lunch. Going anywhere with The BF’s mom is like traveling with a celebrity, because she knows everyone. At lunch, we saw her parents and sister…Aunt J picked O up to say hi and exclaimed, “What do you feed this kid?!”

I get that question a lot…I mean, he’s a tank of a child. Also? He has huge feet.

Anyway, feeding a toddler can be…frustrating.  They’re fickle little creatures,  so one day your sweet child will devour his steamed broccoli.  The next day? Nope.
O is (obviously) typically a good eater, and he’s game to try just about anything you put in front of him (he gobbled up my fried okra at a restaurant once. I was both proud and sad, because I really wanted to eat my okra). I’ve found (through lots of trial and error) a handful of foods that are toddler approved and pretty simple. I wouldn’t be a very good blogger if I didn’t share them with my readers, so here you are, a list of a few of the things I feed my chid…though sometimes I feel like the answer to that question is, “Whatever isn’t nailed down.”

Refrigerator Oatmeal

Breakfast cookies (Use any kind of dried fruit and nut that you like…These go over really well. I like to warm them in the toaster)

Pancakes and fresh fruit (I like to make a full batch of pancakes and freeze the leftovers. You can pop them in the toaster to warm ’em up)

Egg muffins (same deal, make a bunch at once and freeze them.)

Leftovers from last night’s dinner (easiest thing on the planet, just warm it up and it’s ready)

Peanut butter on toast, cottage cheese, fresh fruit

Mac and cheese with veggies (I start this one while he’s napping so it will be ready and cooled), fruit and yogurt

Brown rice with chicken/turkey/ham and veggies (really easy if you make the rice ahead and freeze it. Then just heat it up and add deli meat and steamed veggies) apple sauce

Chicken nuggets and sweet potato fries, apple slices or grapes

Snack tray

Snack time

Snack tray (fill the spots in an ice cube tray with whatever you have on hand. O loves this)



Raisins or yogurt covered raisins (Fun fact: they go through some sort of time machine while being digested, and they come out looking like grapes again!)

Peanuts or cashews

Pretzels or crackers

Peanut butter and graham crackers/pretzels

Veggies and dip

This stuff:

My kid crams these things into his face by the fistful and I’m ok with it. For one thing, the yogurts help keep things going, so if he hasn’t pooped all day I hand him an open bag and let him go for it. The puffs are just really good, especially the peach flavor. Sweet potato is a close second (tied with banana) and blueberry comes in dead last. I love blueberries, but those puffs are nasty. Plus, the smell will knock you over. You open the can and it’s all, BLUEBERRY up in your face.

He drinks whole milk with every meal and snack, and water in between.

I also like to have canned soup on hand for when I find my lunch options limited. It happens occasionally, and sometimes I just don’t want to go to the store. The boy really loves split pea and ham.

For dinner, he eats whatever we’re having. I have no desire to fix two seperate meals so why even get that started?

What are your favorite toddler foods?


Happy Mother’s Day to all of my fellow human jungle gyms, boo boo kissers, butt (and nose!) wipers, food fixers, tantrum calmer-downers,  huggers, and givers of love.

I hope you all have a beautiful day!