because behaving is boring

Monthly Archives: February 2016

Hey guys! I just uploaded a new video about my experience with the 21 Day Fix so far. Check it out, and let me know if you have any questions.

Don’t forget to subscribe, so you don’t miss any updates!


I can’t get it to embed, so click here to check it out!click here to check it out!

My alarm went off at 4:45 am.

You read that right.

When the annoying little tone started to play, my eyes snapped open and I quickly turned it off. As tempting as it was to roll over and go back to sleep, I instead managed to drag myself out of bed to start my day with a 30 minute cardio workout.

I certainly didn’t love every second. Actually, I don’t think I really even fully woke up until I was at least halfway through. Still, I managed to complete my workout with minimal swearing… Until I tried to walk down the stairs. You guys, that almost turned into a tragedy.

If you can’t tell, I’ve started a new workout program. I had been going to the gym for a while, but that wasn’t really working out (pun totally not intended). What with the annoying girls taking more selfies than reps, and the guys that spent 30 minutes leisurely walking next to one another on treadmills while discussing their home improvement projects, my annoyance levels were through the roof. Turns out, I don’t really like to be around a bunch of people while working out.

I ended up doing the worst thing possible and just letting my workouts go completely for a while. All of that hard work was gradually erased, and eventually I got mad enough to do something about it.

Right around that time, a friend of mine messaged me about a Beachbody program. She and I had talked before about it, and I had actually been kicking the idea around. She mentioned there was a sale happening and I was sold. After all, I loathe buying anything full price.

I finished my second workout this morning, and I’m figuring out the meal plan. So far, so good, but will it last? Well, the challenge group I’ve joined helps some, but I decided to add an additional layer of accountability to help myself stick to it. I’m going to document my progress on YouTube.

I mean, why not? I’ve had a YouTube channel for ages, but I never really knew what to do with it.

If you’re curious about what comes in a Beachbody challenge pack, check out my video here!


Also, subscribe to my channel to follow my progress and find out about any other ridiculousness I get into.

Do you workout? What are your thoughts on Beachbody programs?


So I decided to do something different for this month’s Ipsy bag. Let me know what you think, and if you’d like to see more videos.

Also, please excuse the stuffy sounding voice…My sinuses aren’t happy about this weather.


If the video isn’t working for you, click here to view it on YouTube. Don’t forget to subscribe!