because behaving is boring

Monthly Archives: December 2014

So today is the last day of 2014. I don’t know why, but somehow New Year’s Eve always manages to sneak up on me…It’s as if it hides behind Christmas, only to jump out at the last minute. SURPRISE, HERE I AM!

I don’t know why it bothers me…The BF and I generally enjoy an evening at home, watching Kathy Griffin torment the Silver Fox and maybe having a glass of wine. In other words, it isn’t an evening that requires much planning.



Of course, I like to spend some time thinking aboit the previous year… What was great, what sucked…Goals I accomplished and things I need to work on…

All in all, I think I can officially say 2014 was a good year.

I got published in not just one, but two magazines.


I went a little nuts crocheting, and found out I might actually be fairly good at it.


Elsa in progress

I did a lot of baking.


2014 saw my TV debut


And a wonderful article that appeared on the front page of our local paper.


Photo taken by John Dykstra for the Journal Review

My sweet boy turned TWO this year… Still healthy, happy, and a little bit wild at times. I still think of him as my little miracle.

As happy as I am with how things went in 2014, I’m looking forward to an even better 2015. I have big goals, and I’m finally gaining the confidence I need to work toward them.

Thanks for sticking with me for another year, friends. I hope you had a great 2014, and lots to look forward to in 2015.

Have a safe and happy New Year’s Eve!

What was your favorite moment of 2014? What are you looking forward to in 2015?

The stats helper monkeys prepared a 2014 annual report for this blog.

Here’s an excerpt:

The concert hall at the Sydney Opera House holds 2,700 people. This blog was viewed about 15,000 times in 2014. If it were a concert at Sydney Opera House, it would take about 6 sold-out performances for that many people to see it.

Click here to see the complete report.


Santa came to visit Monday night


Send The BF to the store, end up with a five pound bag of cheese. "It was on sale!"


A coconut cream pie for a special guy. Not The BF, he hates coconut.


O spent most of Christmas morning playing with his new wagon.


The BF got us matching camo jammie pants.


Now he can kick back in style.


Everyone is feeding my coffee addiction. The Darth goblet is The BF's.

Of course, my favorite thing about Christmas is the time I get to spend with people I love.

…Ok, and the food.

I hope you all had a lovely Christmas!


Merry Christmas to all of those celebrating today!

Or, as O says it…


Hey, guys… Check out Parade magazine for an article I wrote on a fun DIY hot chocolate gift set!


The full article can be found here.

Those marshmallows are pretty amazing, so you may want to make extras.

As I mentioned jn my previous post, I’ve been pretty busy lately…I fancy myself quite the multitasker, so if I can figure out a way to cram more than one activity in at once, I do it.

I know texting while driving is a big no-no, so I obviously don’t do that

Ok, yes I do. But I use speech to text and I wait until I’m stopped at a red light so it’s totally safe. I would even argue that my driving is actually safer now, because whenever I see a light turn yellow I actually slow down and stop to maximize my texting time. Before I’d speed through that sucker before it turned red.

For the most part, my phone picks up what I say really well. I try to proofread when I can, but I can usually trust the STT well enough to send messages without much of a glance.

And then this happens.


I was headed to a friend’s house to drop off a scarf I had made for her. She asked if we were hungry since it was around lunch time, and I said “We had Bob Evans. I’m suffed but who knows if O will eat more.”

It went downhill from there, as you can see.

Another afternoon, I was going to leave my friend’s Christmas/Thank You gift in her mailbox. After dropping it off, I used STT to let her know. I didn’t realize it was still listening, and as we rounded a corner I thought I saw a dog running along the side of the road.

I said to my mom, “Is that a dog? I don’t want to run over him!”


So… Yeah.

Do you use STT? Has it betrayed you in hilarious ways?

Jeez Louise you guys, I have been busy lately.


Last week was nuts. I completed a couple of big crochet orders, tested some Christmas recipes, and wrote a couple of new recipes that should be published soon. I’ll post a link as soon as I hear from my editor.

Oh, doesn’t that sound fancy?

I also made hot chocolate mix and marshmallows for the two best hair ladies and the best photographer I know…I think those ugly Christmas sweater mugs (as I like to call them) are just so damned cute!


I managed to get our tree up and put the lights on it.




I made the grand statement that I would be making all of our ornaments this year.


So far, I have finished six.


I am currently working on the last of my Christmas orders and watching the Colts play. I managed to do two loads of laundry this morning and sweep the entire downstairs, mop the kitchen floor, and hose the living room down with Lysol since The BF brought the sickies home last week.

When I say I hosed the living room down, I mean I sprayed that shit everywhere. Like, probably used the whole can. I don’t plan on getting sick.

Ain’t nobody got time for that.