because behaving is boring

Tag Archives: youtube

I don’t know about you guys, but the last month has been non-stop back to school photos on my Facebook and Instagram timelines. I actually got to be a part of it this year, because my sweet baby boy started preschool!

first day

We had loads of fun shopping at Target for his school supplies. He felt like a ‘big kid’ picking out a backpack after he saw an older kid looking at them, too. “Mommy! I’m going to school like that kid!”

Ugh, slow down a bit. I can handle preschool, but I’m not ready to think about elementary school yet.

Check out my recent YouTube video for a look at what we picked out. Also, my hair is wild in this one.

How did your first day back go? Tell me all about it in the comments! Don’t forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel. I have lots of fun product reviews and a giveaway coming up soon!

Hey guys! It’s finally summer!

Ok, not really. I think it’s 50 degrees outside today and we had frost warnings this morning.

Did I mention I live in Indiana? Sometimes we even have snow in May!

Enough about the weather, though. How about we get to something more fun, like my May Ipsy bag! This one is pretty awesome, and I can’t wait to actually try a couple of the products in there. You can see what I got in the video below. Spoiler alert: that lip treatment is delightful.

I feel like I should take a moment here to clarify that while I did, in fact, dance on a bar at Coyote Ugly, I remained fully clothed. It was loads of fun, but I probably wouldn’t do it again…I’m too much of an old lady to be dancing on anything more elevated than the, uh, floor.

I got a free shirt, though! And we all know I’m a sucker for a free shirt.

Do you have an Ipsy subscription? What did you get? I neeeed to know.

If you don’t yet have a subscription, click here to sign up. It’s 10.00 a month, and you’ll take a quiz to make sure your items are customized to your taste.


**Disclosure** This is not a sponsored post or video, I pay for my Ipsy subscription with my own money. The link above is my referral link, and I do get points if someone uses it to sign up.**

Hey guys!

Things have been a little crazy around here, but I finally managed to do my April Ipsy unboxing (unbagging?).

What did you get in your Ipsy bag? Let me know in the comments!

If you would like to start getting your own Ipsy bag, click here.


**I pay for my own Ipsy subscription, this is NOT a sponsored post. I do get referral points if you sign up using my specific link. **



So I noticed that an old post of mine was getting some traffic…I’m not sure why my  What’s in my bag? post from a hundred years ago was getting views, but I thought it would be fun to do an updated version in video form.

Also, if you’d like to help me raise some money for Susan G. Komen, click here to donate.

Every little bit helps!

My boy and I used to have pizza and movie nights on my paydays…I generally don’t feel like cooking when I get home from work (I get up at 4:30 am on workdays, after all), and we discovered a place that would bring us delicious pizza AND movies. We’d watch O’s movie while having a pizza picnic in the living room.

Then I started the 21 Day Fix. I figured pizza night could be my cheat day, but after eating well for two weeks, pizza just didn’t make me feel all that great. We haven’t had a pie delivered since, but I didn’t want to give up on our pizza nights. Wanting to make my own, but not really wanting to make the crust from scratch after coming home from work, I started looking for crust options that wouldn’t ruin my hard work…but still tasted good.

I found FlatOuts at the grocery store and decided to give them a shot. Check out the video below to see how it went!

Please excuse my hair and lack of makeup. I did a workout, then spent most of the day trying to declutter. Turns out, we have a TON of stuff to get rid of. I’m also in desperate need of a haircut, but I just haven’t had time.

If you like this video, please give it a thumbs up and don’t forget to subscribe!

Have you tried FlatOuts?

**Disclosure** This is not a sponsored post. I purchased this product with my own money, all opinions are my own.**

Can you guys believe it’s March already?! Spring is so, so close… I think here we’re going to have a coldish weekend, but temps are steadily rising. I’m so excited for spring that yesterday, I bought O a little bat and baseball set…So basically, expect a post in the near future about how I got beaned in the eye by my mini Babe Ruth.

Signs of spring have been everywhere…Including my mailbox! I was really excited about my Ipsy bag this month, and so far everything has been a big hit. Check out the video for the full scoop:

As always, I want to know what you got in your Ipsy bag! Let me know in the comments. I was a little sad that I didn’t get the Living Proof dry shampoo. If you got it (or if you’ve tried it), let me know what you think of it.

Don’t have an Ipsy subscription, but want to know more? Click here to fill out your beauty quiz and get started. It’s a heck of a lot more fun than some of the other monthly visitors we ladies get!


If you like the video, please subscribe to my channel. You’ll get a notification every time I post a new one, and I don’t usually share them here. Thanks for watching!

My alarm went off at 4:45 am.

You read that right.

When the annoying little tone started to play, my eyes snapped open and I quickly turned it off. As tempting as it was to roll over and go back to sleep, I instead managed to drag myself out of bed to start my day with a 30 minute cardio workout.

I certainly didn’t love every second. Actually, I don’t think I really even fully woke up until I was at least halfway through. Still, I managed to complete my workout with minimal swearing… Until I tried to walk down the stairs. You guys, that almost turned into a tragedy.

If you can’t tell, I’ve started a new workout program. I had been going to the gym for a while, but that wasn’t really working out (pun totally not intended). What with the annoying girls taking more selfies than reps, and the guys that spent 30 minutes leisurely walking next to one another on treadmills while discussing their home improvement projects, my annoyance levels were through the roof. Turns out, I don’t really like to be around a bunch of people while working out.

I ended up doing the worst thing possible and just letting my workouts go completely for a while. All of that hard work was gradually erased, and eventually I got mad enough to do something about it.

Right around that time, a friend of mine messaged me about a Beachbody program. She and I had talked before about it, and I had actually been kicking the idea around. She mentioned there was a sale happening and I was sold. After all, I loathe buying anything full price.

I finished my second workout this morning, and I’m figuring out the meal plan. So far, so good, but will it last? Well, the challenge group I’ve joined helps some, but I decided to add an additional layer of accountability to help myself stick to it. I’m going to document my progress on YouTube.

I mean, why not? I’ve had a YouTube channel for ages, but I never really knew what to do with it.

If you’re curious about what comes in a Beachbody challenge pack, check out my video here!


Also, subscribe to my channel to follow my progress and find out about any other ridiculousness I get into.

Do you workout? What are your thoughts on Beachbody programs?


So I decided to do something different for this month’s Ipsy bag. Let me know what you think, and if you’d like to see more videos.

Also, please excuse the stuffy sounding voice…My sinuses aren’t happy about this weather.


If the video isn’t working for you, click here to view it on YouTube. Don’t forget to subscribe!

The whole month of December happened and I didn’t write one single thing.

Sure, I was busy. I started a part time job at the end of November and I really like it. Also, this thing called Christmas (maybe you’ve heard of it). We went to FIVE Christmas celebrations this year. I’m not complaining, but that’s a lot of super family together fun time.

All excuses aside, though, I kind of just didn’t feel like writing. Not even my Glam bag post…though, really, December’s bag wasn’t really that great. What was even in it? I don’t remember.

I’m not sure I’m totally out of my funk yet, but I’m slowly trying to baby step my way out of it.

Baby steps out of the elevator… Name that movie!

I was actually thinking of doing a YouTube video for this month’s bag, since I never really use my channel… and I also thought about broadcasting it on Periscope (do you have Periscope? We should be pals! Look up @Ashlee_Mae)…but I was feeling way too lazy to put makeup on. SO here we are.

Anyway, this month’s Glam bag was all eye products…which is nice, because I love, love eye stuff.


Except, I guess, for the wipes…


OFRA Universal Eyebrow Pencil

This is a pretty standard eyebrow pencil. It’s fine. I don’t know what else to say?


The Balm MR. WRITE (NOW) Eyeliner Pencil in Jac

I expected to hate this after trying that awful liquid matte lip gunk from The Balm. SURPRISINGLY, I really like this eyeliner. The color actually looks nice on lazy makeup days (just liner and mascara) and with eyeshadow. Plus, it isn’t black eyeliner. Because Ipsy LOVES TO SEND ME BLACK EYELINER. I don’t know why.


jelly pong pong Fairy Lashes Curl mascara

That name, tho.

Anyway, I think I like this. It can be a little messy…


…but overall I like how it looks. Does it curl my lashes? I have no idea. But it does have some kind of crazy staying power, because it lasted through an evening face wash, a night of sleep, and a morning shower.


J. Cat Beauty blinkle shimmer eyeshadow in Tangerine Light

Dammit, this one was a little disappointing. I’ve been wanting a really good shimmery shadow for a while, and I actually squealed a little when I found this in my bag…but upon application I really didn’t see any shimmer (you can see it in the poorly lit photo above and in the swatch below, btw).

I still like the color, but I do wish it were more sparkly.



skyn Iceland Glacial Cleansing Cloths

These are pretty great, actually. As you can see in the (again, horribly lit) photo above, they definitely removed makeup from my face. I’m not sure if it ALL came off, but I was being super lazy about it and possibly missed a spot or two.

Overall, this was a pretty good bag!

Do you Ipsy? What did you get? If you don’t yet and you want to, follow this link to take the quiz and sign up. Ten bucks a month for a bag of goodies in your mail, and you get to discover lots of fun new brands!

OH, AND. If I did some videos or broadcasts, would y’all be into that? What would you want to hear about? Tell me in the comments!

Did you miss me? I missed you!