because behaving is boring

Tag Archives: subscription bag

Hey guys! It’s finally summer!

Ok, not really. I think it’s 50 degrees outside today and we had frost warnings this morning.

Did I mention I live in Indiana? Sometimes we even have snow in May!

Enough about the weather, though. How about we get to something more fun, like my May Ipsy bag! This one is pretty awesome, and I can’t wait to actually try a couple of the products in there. You can see what I got in the video below. Spoiler alert: that lip treatment is delightful.

I feel like I should take a moment here to clarify that while I did, in fact, dance on a bar at Coyote Ugly, I remained fully clothed. It was loads of fun, but I probably wouldn’t do it again…I’m too much of an old lady to be dancing on anything more elevated than the, uh, floor.

I got a free shirt, though! And we all know I’m a sucker for a free shirt.

Do you have an Ipsy subscription? What did you get? I neeeed to know.

If you don’t yet have a subscription, click here to sign up. It’s 10.00 a month, and you’ll take a quiz to make sure your items are customized to your taste.


**Disclosure** This is not a sponsored post or video, I pay for my Ipsy subscription with my own money. The link above is my referral link, and I do get points if someone uses it to sign up.**

Have y’all recovered from your food comas yet? I know I probably ate enough to feed a small village yesterday. At least I managed to look good doing it, largely thanks to this month’s Ipsy Glam Bag.


My goodies arrived in a super cute bag this month. As usual, 4 items were great and one was kind of a klunker.



This stuff smells great! It’s a pretty well-rounded, light moisturizer…But I’m not sure if it’s quite enough for my dry winter skin.


Smashbox FULL EXPOSURE Mascara

I’m super picky about mascara…my eyelashes are pretty long, and tend to look clumpy if I’m not careful. I really lke this formula, but Im not sure about the brush. It might just be that I’m used to the more comb-like brushes.



Jesse’s Girl Eye Shadow Primer

I didn’t have super high hopes for this one, but it ended up being tied for my favorite thing this month. It feels a little greasy when you first apply it, but once it’s dry you can’t feel it at all. It has kept my eyeshadow streak-free all day, every day that I use it. I tried it with the Mica cream shadow and that stuff didn’t totally come off for a couple of days.


trèStique Mini Matte Lip Crayon in Chile Red

This was my other favorite… Which surprised me a bit because I’m not a RED person. This is a fun, bright, definitely RED red, but the matte formula makes it quite wearable. I had to get used to the look of the cap, but before I did I probably had a few minor heart attacks thinking the cap had come off in my bag.


be a bombshell Eye Liner in Wild Child

It’s a black eyeliner. Fine, I suppose, but it seemed a little dry…probably why it skipped a little when I applied it. There really isn’t anything spectacular about it.


I’m wearing allof my glam bag goodies in this photo…I had also just left the salon, so hooray freshly cut hair!

If you’re interested in trying Ipsy for yourself, click here to sign up. It’s only 10.00 a month and you get to try lots of fun beauty products!

Already get a Glam Bag? What did you love this month?


Another fun glam bag arrived at my house this month! As usual, I was pretty happy with my goodies except for one product that I just didn’t like.


Beauty Without Cruelty premium botanical lotion

This stuff is a dry skin lifesaver! I’m already getting dry, itchy skin on my hands. This stuff has no smell at all and sinks right into my skin without feeling greasy. I’ve been using it after I wash dishes to keep my hands from getting so dry that they crack.


LA Vanilla rollerball perfume

Ten years ago, I would’ve turned my nose up at this scent. I’m not sure how to describe it, but it’s like a warm, spicy vanilla…maybe with some amber or musk hanging around in there? I could Google it, but where’s the fun in that? Anyway, I’ve been wearing it a lot sinch I got it, and I think it makes for a great fall scent. It also layers well with my usual perfume. Bonus!


MICA Beauty cosmetics cream eyeshadow in Bronze


This stuff is SO GOOD, you guys. Dab it over your eyelid primer with your finger and you’re done! It really works with my hazel eyes and boy does it ever stay put. I fell asleep in it and it was still perfect when I woke up the next morning.


Royal & Langnickel medium eye shader

Well…it’s a brush. I honestly haven’t done much with it. The bristles are a bit stiffer than my RealTechniques brush, but I don’t necessary think that’s a bad thing.


the BALM Meet Matt(e) Hughes long lasting liquid lipstick  (COMMITTED)

Everyone’s all apeshit over the BALM products and here I am like, nope. I pretty much hated this the second I saw it… First, that color is super wrong on me. Second, I can’t do long wear liquid lipsticks. I feel like they suck the life out of my lips. I will say, however,  that the minty, chocolaty smell is pleasant. Other than that, this was not a winner for me. Also, am I missing something?  Who is Matt Hughes?

Do you get a glam bag? What was awesome this month? Did anything totally miss the mark?

If you haven’t subscribed yet, click here to subscribe and take the quiz It’s all kinds of fun to get a bag of surprises in the mail each month!

Also, don’t forget to enter the breast cancer research giveaway! I’m adding the liquid lipstick from my Ipsy bag to the prize. I unscrewed the lid enough to see the color and take a tiny sniff, but that’s it!