Whenever I’m out with friends, there’s a moment when I simply can NOT find my phone, cigarettes, whatever. I start pulling things out of my purse one by one and someone always exclaims “How much stuff do you have in there?!”

Well. A lot.

You wouldn't believe what this thing can hold.

What’s in my purse, you ask? Well let me tell you:

The latest Nuvo


Makeup bag

Makeup brushes


Schindler’s List

A Tale of Two Cities

Two Sharpie pens (blue and black)


Hair Ties

3 packs of cigarettes (Yes, 3. I don’t like to run out.)


Two kinds of deoderant

Lip Balm (Burt’s Bees and Chicken Poop)

Twilight Woods PocketBac


Car and house keys

Clinique Black Honey lipstick

Netflix movie (Monty Python and the Holy Grail) that I’ve had for three months. Oops.

Chase promotion

Mudbugs coupon


Gold Bond hand lotion

Eye drops


2 bags Pretzel M&M’s

Sunglasses (cheapies I picked up in Chicago when my aviators broke)



**Not pictured: Perfume that smells AMAZING. I’m not telling you what it is because I’m selfish.

And my wallet is just as full of stuff:


Check Card

Discount cards for Mudbugs, Great Harvest, Dunkin’ Donuts and Maurices

iTunes pick of the week card: Josh Groban


CTA card

2 fortune cookie fortunes


American Airlines baggage claim ticket from 3 years ago

Starbucks giftcard

Card from Eggsperience (if you’re in Chicago you NEED to go there)

DMB tickets from the Wrigley field shows last year

**Not visible in this picture: My ticket to the Colts vs. Titans game from Jan. 2nd

So there you have it, the contents of my purse and wallet right now. Even I’m surprised at how much stuff I carry in there!