because behaving is boring

Tag Archives: accessories

Recently I was chosen to be a brand rep for Wanderer Bracelets and I’m so excited! Check out the video below for more info and to see my bracelets.

Check out the available bracelets on the website. New styles are in the works, so if you don’t see what you want let me know! I’d be happy to pass along your suggestions for new designs.

If you find something you like, use ASHLEEGREENLEE20 at checkout for 20% off!


**Disclosure: As a rep for Wanderer Bracelets, I receive a  small amount of commission each time a purchase is made through my link.**

You know what’s great about long hair?

No, really, I’m asking…What’s so great about long hair? Because now that I have it again I am perpetually annoyed by it.

When it’s not in a ponytail, I find myself shutting it in car doors, getting it caught in the car window, tangling it around purse straps, and getting it stuck in my armpit. In my armpit, people.

I stretch ponytail holders out after just a few uses, and I have a million headbands that just won’t stay put. It seems that nothing will tame this wild mane of mine.


I found Bolder Bands on Facebook. It may be the first time in the history of the world that a legit company actually advertised that way. Ok, maybe not, but the only ads I typically see involve generically named “colleges”.


Not legit.

But Bolder Bands happened to pop up at the perfect time. That morning at the gym, my headband kept creeping back on my head, forcing me to fix it every five seconds. Every time I’d reach up to adjust I had visions of falling off of my machine. After coming home and showering, I was scrolling through Facebook while my coffee brewed when their ad caught my eye.

I was able to get my first band free, only paying for shipping. That offer may still be available,  so head over to their website to check it out.

My band arrived quickly, and I tried it out the very next morning.

It worked! I actually forgot I had it on until I got home… It kept my bangs back and stayed in place no matter how much bouncing around and sweating I did.


Excuse the sweat and lack of makeup.


The bands come in three sizes, so make sure to measure your noggin before you order. They are also machine washable (!). Just make sure to hang them up to dry.

I want to order a thousand more of these things… There are tons of awesome patterns and colors available. There are even Bro Bands for dudes!

Do me a favor, ok? If you order one, please come back here and tell me what  color or pattern you got so I can live vicariously through you. It just might keep me from going broke.

***This is NOT a sponsored post. I used my own money and a coupon code to order my band.***

I was recently offered the opportunity to review Jamberry nail wraps, and then host a giveaway so a lucky reader could give them a shot. Because I’ll try just about anything once, I love free stuff, and I really like doing giveaways… Of course I said yes.

Now, back when I used to work in a jewelry store I got into the habit of getting my nails done…I had a standing appointment every two weeks with my favorite guy. I always got short acrylics with either French tips or OPI’s Waitress (it will forever be the perfect nail color, in my opinion) because I wanted to make sure they looked classy. After all, when you’re a girl working in a jewelry store you are often asked to model things for customers…I didn’t want to lose a big engagement ring sale because my nails were snaggly and gross.

After I moved on from that job I fell out of the habit. In fact…I don’t think I’ve had my nails done since. I do occasionally paint my nails myself, but that’s a rare occasion because let’s face it…I’m usually too lazy to bother.

I’d seen Jamberry wraps before…but I never considered trying them myself until now. After getting an email from my new pal (and Jamberry consultant) Courtney, I checked out her website. There are so many choices that it took me quite a while to decide on a design I liked, but I finally narrowed it down to Midnight Celebration and eagerly awaited their arrival.

When they came (pretty quickly, I should add!), I ripped the envelope open and ooohed and ahhhhed over them for a bit. They were every bit as lovely as they had been on the website. For some reason, I had almost expected them to look cheap and tacky but they definitely weren’t.

Because I tend to fly by the seat of my pants, I didn’t bother to read the directions in advance. Instead, I waited until O was down for the evening and assembled what I thought would be the necessary tools for application.


Wine is a necessary tool in many aspects of life.

After gathering the stuff I thought I needed, I picked up the package and read the instructions. I remembered that I needed rubbing alcohol or white vinegar to wipe my nails off…and of course we were out of both.

Lucky for me, The BF ran out to his shop and brought back acetone. Ok, so now we can start sticking these puppies on!

…OH, they have to be warmed up? Maybe now is a good time to watch the video Courtney sent me

I tried to get a photo or two of the actual application of the nails, but it’s really hard to focus a camera when you’re holding a hair dryer between your knees and attempting to apply a nail wrap. I would’ve asked The BF, but he is the kind that will just take a quick, blurry picture and wander away. Plus, he was too busy helping, because he’s “applied a few decals to a number of vehicles, and that’s basically what you’re doing.” Use your imagination to picture the actual application, and feel free to add a few curse words being said because, totally.


Once I got the hang of the application process, it wasn’t so bad. It was more involved than I originally thought it would be (I’ll be honest, I was expecting more of a peel-and-stick method), but nothing worse than applying nail polish and way cheaper than going to a salon. Plus, there was no horrible nail salon smell to contend with. Am I the only one that gets the sneezes in nail salons?

Once I finished the last nail, I spent a good fifteen minutes walking around with my fingers splayed and refusing to touch anything because, hey, fresh manicure. The BF gave me a funny look and asked, “Aren’t they stickers?” and suddenly I realized I was being careful for no reason. Whoops!

I’m currently on day four of my Jamberry experience and I can’t believe that they haven’t chipped at all. Like, even with the bubbles I didn’t quite get out of the first one I applied…And even though I didn’t quite pick the right size for my thumb nails. Nope, these puppies are still going strong and I’m finding myself a bit converted.I’m not going easy on them, either…I’ve done dishes, laundry, typed, changed diapers, picked my face (I’m just being honest, here), peeled open spice containers, and all sorts of other things that would ruin regular nail polish.

I can see these being a great way to have snazzed-up nails for an event…And I’m saving the remaining wraps for my toes because I hear you can really get some miles out of them that way.

So… At this point in my Jamberry experience I’m surprised to say that I give ’em two snazzily decorated thumbs up. I’m really glad that I like them so much because remember the giveaway I mentioned?

One lucky reader will win two wraps AND a full application kit (pictured below). How awesome is that? Entering is super easy and only involves two steps!


Well, maybe three if you haven’t liked my Facebook page yet. But that’s silly, because I know you have!

To enter, simply complete the following steps:

1. Like Willfully Disobedient on Facebook

2. Like Courtney’s Jamberry Page on Facebook

3. Visit Courtney’s Jamberry website, then come back and leave a comment with your two favorite wraps.

I’ll announce the winners and give my final opinion on Tuesday, so good luck!

**Giveaway open only to residents of continental United States. Family members of Courtney and I are not eligible (sorry guys). Entries will be closed at 11:59 pm on Monday, February 2nd, 2015.**

Are you on Instagram? Do you like pretty things? Do you like to buy stuff?  If so, go check out my profile (theoriginalashleemae) to see the two scarves I’ve added.

When I’m not working on a custom order or a gift, I like to keep busy making lots of random things. Now that fall is (sort of) here, and with winter rapidly approaching (dammit), I tend to make a lot of scarves. Like, a lot. Anyway, last year I made so many that I ran out of places to put them. This year, I’ve decided to sell them.

It was suggested that I try using Instagram instead of Etsy or Ebay, so I’m giving it a shot. Check it out, and if you see something you like, let me know!
