This weekend is O’s second birthday.

I know.

I still haven’t quite recovered from the shock yet, but birthday parties don’t plan themselves. We originally planned to have it at our farm like last year…but the weather isn’t going to cooperate. Rather than worry that our birthday boy, family, and friends would freeze, we decided to have it at a Mexican restaurant.

Best idea ever.

Suddenly, I’m off the hook for SO MANY THINGS.

Food? Anyone that wants to eat can buy lunch at the restaurant.

Plates/cups/silverware? Already there.

Decorations? Have you ever been to a Mexican restaurant that didn’t look festive?

Cleanup? Taken care of.

So we just show up with cakes (which I still plan to make because, duh) and birthday boy. Everyone can come and go as they please, we get to eat delicious Mexican food, and we’ll be home in time for the Colts game. I AM A GENIUS.

Instead of spending thus week stressed  out and running like a mad woman, I have time to work on the million crochet projects I have to do. I finished a gorgeous scarf for my friend last night and I’m really proud of how it turned out. Today, after running some errands (and picking up a delicious maple latte at a local coffee joint), I put O down for his nap and started a new project.


This will be the first little girl’s infinity scarf I’ve made. I’m adapting an adult pattern, so I hope it turns out. Her sister has requested one in blues. I really love this pattern and I hope to come up with a way to do matching hats.